[Healeys] Slight pull to the right

Simon Lachlan simon.lachlan at homecall.co.uk
Mon Mar 1 05:00:35 MST 2010

Try driving along somewhere where you can keep off the brakes and stop
without killing yourself, maybe a slight uphill gradient. So, pull over and
immediately check if the RHS, probably front, disc is hot or hotter than the
LHS. If so, you've probably cracked it.

-----Original Message-----
From: healeys-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:healeys-bounces at autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of R Phillips
Sent: 01 March 2010 11:30
To: healeys at autox.team.net
Subject: [Healeys] Slight pull to the right

Hello listers,

My BJ8 has developed a slight pull to the right.  Tire pressures are correct
and there is no noticeable pull when braking.  Not a dramatic pull, just
isn't quite tracking correctly.  Advice as to where to begin?


'65 BJ8
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