[Healeys] FACEBOOK

Bob Spidell bspidell at comcast.net
Fri Jul 30 08:26:36 MDT 2010

On a side note, I live and work in the Silicon Valley and have the 
obligatory LinkedIn page (more professional and productive than FB, BTW, 
and there is a small Healey group on there, too).  Anyway, occasionally 
a recruiter will see my profile and send me some job info.  Although I'm 
generally happy where I'm at, I'll take a shot now and then because, 
well, just because.  Most of the postings are from some 'rapidly 
growing,' 'next FB,' etc. kind of place.  A lot of them are some kind of 
gaming site (Zynga-like).  They usually send a 'quiz,' and often there's 
a question like 'are you a gamer?'; i.e. do you spend every free moment 
in a dark room playing some stupid facsimile of real life, instead of, 
say, actually living?  Last time, I answered 'No.  I drive fast cars and 
fly airplanes.'

Wonder why I never hear back from these places?


Mike Brouillette wrote:
> If you think Facebook is an issue, try foursquare.  We had a business 
> associate that would let you know where he was at any given minute. 
> (at home depot buying a screwdriver, picking up the laundry...)  We 
> needed to have an intervention with him and when that didn't totally 
> work, 10 of us signed up and pummeled him with every little thing we 
> were doing.
> He has since stopped...
>> Tom, I am not trying to offend anyone here on this subject. I see 
>> people who
>> post on there every couple hours with terms such as . I am eating 
>> dinner or
>> I am going to work or It may rain today or I think I will sleep in. The
>> thing is they get no response to these quotes. Then there are the one 
>> who
>> join Farmville and Family Fued and then they send you apps for this 
>> crap.
>> These are the ones I am saying have no life . I was on Facebook about 
>> a year
>> and I find this Healey list much more interesting than Facebook. 
>> Sorry I was
>> being judgmental in your eyes or others. I will just say no more about
>> Facebook then.
>> On a different note I had a girlfriend who had four kids and they 
>> were all
>> addicted to Myspace. I can tell you for a fact they had no life outside
>> Myspace. They would sit on a computer 14 hours a day and not 
>> socialize in
>> public. Thats not healthy. It seems Myspace is for a younger 
>> generation and
>> Facebook is used by 30 and up.
>> Personally I get more pleasure from a drive in the country by myself 
>> . Shoot
>> I would rather go to walmart and talk to the greeter than to spend 
>> that much
>> time on a computer. Perhaps I just can't sit still.
>> I knew this subject would raise some issues and I probably shouldn't 
>> have
>> gone there.
>> _______________________________________________
Bob Spidell           San Jose, CA            bspidell at comcast.net


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