[Healeys] Speedometer Angle drive

John Soderling bighealey at astound.net
Fri Jul 16 22:36:12 MDT 2010

Thanks to all who responded to my inquiry.   I'll put a few drops of light 
oil in to keep Erika the Red properly lubed.
Vrooom vrooom,

From: "J. Scott Morris" <jstmorris at yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2010 3:54 PM
To: "Healey list" <healeys at autox.team.net>; "John Soderling" 
<bighealey at astound.net>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Speedometer Angle drive

> Hello John;  Here are a couple of emails from my archives that provide 
> your
> answer.
> --Scott Morris; Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
> J. Scott Morris - Keep Smiling, Murphy Lives
> *****************************************************************************
> ****************************
> Little screw on body of speedo drive
> Re:          [Healeys] Speedo Angle Drive
> Date:      Saturday, July 25, 2009 4:03 PM
> From:    "Rich C" <richchrysler at quickclic.net>
> To:         "R. Price Lindsay" <price at advocateadvisors.com>,
> healeys at autox.team.net
> Hello Price,  The little screw on the body of the speedo drive is indeed
> filling an oiling hole. An old British mechanic back in the early '70's 
> told
> me that if a couple of drops of thin oil went into that screw hole once a
> year, the unit would last virtually forever.
> --Rich Chrysler
> Re:          [Healeys] Speedo Angle Drive
> Date:      Saturday, July 25, 2009 7:28 AM
> From:    "R. Price Lindsay" <price at advocateadvisors.com>
> To:         healeys at autox.team.net
> I am putting a new angle drive in my BJ8. There is a bolt in the top which 
> I
> presume is for oil. First is this a lub point and second do I need to put 
> a
> drop of oil into a new unit?
> Thanks,   --Price Lindsay   67 BJ8
> *****************************************************************************
> **************************
> John Soderling <bighealey at astound.net> wrote:<< I just installed a new
> speedometer angle drive on 100-six and am wondering what the little screw 
> in
> the side of the angle drive is for?  >>
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