[Healeys] H-BT7-L/6722 CLARIFICATION

BJ8 Healeys sbyers at ec.rr.com
Sun Jan 31 05:39:10 MST 2010

John, for BJ8s the same VIN that is given on the Heritage certificate is
stamped (theoretically, anyway) on the right front shock tower, outboard
surface facing the inside of the wheel.  The other number on the shock tower
is on one of the top surfaces and has no relation to any identifying number
of the car.  That may be the number you are referring to.

Apparently, for models as early as BT7s there was no VIN stamped on the
shock tower like BJ8s.

Steve Byers
BJ8 Registry
Havelock, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: john spaur [mailto:jmsdarch at sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 10:16 PM
To: BJ8 Healeys
Cc: 'healey help'
Subject: Re: [Healeys] H-BT7-L/6722 CLARIFICATION

The shock tower number on my BT7 is not on my Heritage certificate.


At 09:09 PM 1/30/2010 -0500, BJ8 Healeys wrote:
>....I do not know if BT7s were identified with the VIN/chassis 
>number on the shock tower like
>BJ8s, but unless someone who knows for sure says there were no numbers
>on a BT7 I would look for one.....

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