[Healeys] Carburettor trouble

Oudesluys coudesluijs at chello.nl
Tue Jan 26 08:19:37 MST 2010

Check the floats and float valves for leakage.
This article may be of any help:
Kees Oudesluijs

Paul Leeks schreef:
> I have just rebuilt and refitted the twin H4 SU carbs to my 100/6 but I am
> having trouble with (quite a bit of) petrol leaking out of both carburettors.
> I am pretty certain that everything has been put back together properly
> (being a novice, I followed the SU instructions to the letter).
> The leak seems to be in the main part of each carb (ie needle/jet area).  I
> have checked the valves in the float chamber lids for leaks and checked the
> gap for the forked levers, so I am pretty certain that these are ok.
> I am wondering whether the problem is the needles.  When I ordered the new
> ones from Burlen, the specification stated that I needed 'AJ' needles.
> However, I noticed when renewing them that the old needles were slightly
> longer (about 1/8") and were stamped 'AR'.  Would this be the issue?
> Any thoughts, as always, greatly appreciated.
> Cheers
> Paul Leeks
> 100/6 BN4
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