[Healeys] Bonne Annee

Carr&Edwards scvc70 at epix.net
Mon Jan 4 12:31:36 MST 2010

Bernard --

Your New Year's wish is very similar to an expression which a friend says 
his elderly Irish grandfather would use as a New Year's toast, many years 

    "May we meet this day twelvemonth."

(Belated) Happy New Year to all!

Sarah Carr
BN1 in PA

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bernard Cristalli" <bcrist at club-internet.fr>
To: "Healey List" <healeys at autox.team.net>; <xk at jag-lovers.org>; "e-type" 
<e-type at jag-lovers.org>; "SURGINET at sfr.fr:General Surgery DiscussionList" 
<SURGINET at LISTSERV.UTORONTO.CA>; <ob-gyn-l at obgyn.net>
Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 2:36 AM
Subject: [Healeys] Bonne Annee

> Tous mes voeux les plus sinceres pour tous.
> Souhaitons de nous retrouver le meme jour l'an prochain.
> Bernard
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