[Healeys] stub axle renewals

allen c miller jr acmiller at mhcable.com
Sun Jan 3 19:17:14 MST 2010

I am prepping my BN2 for racing this spring and have six stub axles which i 
am having crack tested by a machine shop.

while in the process is there a necessity or point to replacing the bronze 
bushings as a prophylactic measure, or can you assume that no wobble of the 
kingpin against the axle secured in a vice is sufficient?

alternately, would measuring across the bore at right angles with a 
micrometer and checking against the pin be better? I would assume, perhaps 
incorrectly, that an elliptical bore or sloppy clearance would be telling.

while at it, are there other critical front suspension parts that should be 
crack tested? is there a known failure rate with ball joints, etc?

allen miller bn2/m 

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