[Healeys] making waxoyl

Ray Carbone racarbon at verizon.net
Sun Feb 14 20:33:57 MST 2010

Hi All,

Although this is not directly related to the formulation of Waxoyl, it may be
of interest to some.

A while back, a friend who was into Healeys and sundry other LBCs, used to
create a mixture of coal tar and kerosene (proportions ?) as a preservative.
He would drill a few holes in the top and bottom of each separate frame member
and plug the bottom holes with rubber plugs.  After carefully fill the
cavities with the mixture, he would plug the top holes and drive in a figure
eight for a number of cycles, occasionally slowing and accelerating.
Following his brief drive, he would pull the bottom plugs and drain the fluid.
Over a few day period, he would occasionally replace the plugs, do a number of
figure eights, and remove the plugs to drain any remaining mixture from the
frame.  Finally, he would allow the car to stand, with all plugs removed, for
a number of week to allow as much of the kerosene to evaporate before
replacing all plugs.

Although the smell lingered for a while, I believe the mixture did penetrate
into all internal areas of the frame and initially produced a thin moisture
resistant coating, however, I am unsure of its preservation longevity.  Even
though I was tempted to try this protective approach, I never did as I feel
this coating could create a dangerous condition, within some period following
initial application, should a repair be required involving a weld.

All the best,
Ray Carbone

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