[Healeys] Best Spark Plugs for 60 BN7 avail on Sunday?

Mark LaPierre lapierrem at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 22 20:19:01 MDT 2010

Seems most retailers are just carrying the AC plugs to meet our standard 
plug guide lines.   I can't find
Champions anywhere around IN anymore.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "scott willis" <ahpowered at hotmail.com>
To: <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 2010 9:28 PM
Subject: [Healeys] Best Spark Plugs for 60 BN7 avail on Sunday?

> Hi folks,
> My car sat for a long time. I started it every 3 months and
> put new gas in it two months back. Has new Facet fuel pump and new
> points. I just installed the rebuilt tranny and it is now running
> poorly. Tough to start. I flooded it trying to start it Sunday. The next
> day I cleaned the plugs and it fired up. I drove it to Fedex and it
> barely started for the trip home. It ran very flabby all the way home.
> Almost felt like heat was causing a problem though it never did this
> before I parked it for tranny repair.
> I plan to install new plugs
> tomorrow. What do you guys recommend as cheap/best plugs to buy for a
> 60 BN7 at Autozone? No modifications other than Facet pump.
> Cheers,
> Scott Willis
> Mashed 60 BN7 AH Club USA/Bluegrass AH Club
> 59 MGA
> 66 E-Type FHC
> http://www.bgeuroclassics.org
> BG Euro Classics Car Club President
> Bowling Green, KY
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