[Healeys] Fwd: Welcome to the "1006" mailing list
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Sat Aug 21 13:18:30 MDT 2010
<< List, Ed set up a site for discussion on the '54 BN1 that was on ebay.
To subscribe & post, see below. Best to keep it off the regular list.
Randy Hicks
'56 100 M
'55 BN1 Dealer Le Mans >>
Folks, Randy's "included directions" were wrong <sigh> !?!
To join: Exactly like the Healeys List; send a mail TO:
1006-request at justbrits.com with NO "Subject:" and just
subscribe in the body. Rest IS automatic.
There ARE normal Archives.
There is NO 'size' limitation.
Attachments and/or Pictures ARE ALLOWED !!!
Your "personal page" looks exactly like your Healeys one<G> !!
My MAIN purpose was to allow NO SIZE and viewing of pics
by ALL that are interested. Everybody is Welcome.
There is NO "moderation". I don't want anything<G> but only
because I suspect this will be a short-lived discussion BUT the
Archives WILL remain open to all Healeyers !!
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