[Healeys] Sticking brakes

pennell at cox.net pennell at cox.net
Mon Aug 16 09:46:40 MDT 2010


Had an interesting happeniing on a recent drive.  It felt like the brakes were sticking and I could also feel it as I slowed just before a stop.  I cut my drive short and went home.

Several days later I jacked up the rear and found the left rear would stick solid after applying the brakes.  The right rear remained free.  The only way I could free it was to remove the wheel to get enough effort on the adjuster to turn it.  One click released it fully.  Since then several times I have applied the brakes, waited 24 or more hours, and checked again.  Still stuck.

I know this symptom could be a sign of the rear flex hose swelling but wouldn't that also cause the right rear to hang up?  Any thoughts please?


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