[Healeys] 65BJ8 -- Driver's Side Rear Shock, Furthest Rear Mounting Nut and Bolt

rrengineer @dslextreme.com rrengineer at dslextreme.com
Fri Aug 6 20:06:12 MDT 2010

I hope you are sending the shocks to Peter C. at NOS Imports.

Mike MacLean
56 BN2
60 AN5

On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 2:37 PM, Greg Mandas <gmandas at yahoo.com> wrote:

> List:
> I'm removing all of the shocks on my 65BJ8 and sending them out for
> rebuild.
> In preparation I doused all of the nuts and bolts with PB-Blaster and let
> them sit for a day or two. They all came off very easily, except for the
> aforementioned nut and bolt.
> This nut and bolt is one of two which hold the shock on a bracket mounted
> on the chassis. The nut is not captured and faces out. The bolt head is on
> the side of the bracket away from the shock facing in towards the drive
> shaft.
> When I put the sockets on it, it moved just enough to allow the nut and
> bolt to spin freely, but not loosen any more. I can't tighten it, either.
> How do I get it off.
> I'm thinking sawzall.
> I'm no good with a torch and I've already busted a socket.
> I have a gizmo which cuts nuts in half, but there's not enough clearance to
> get it over the nut.
> Ugh!!
> Greg
> 65BJ8
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