[Healeys] concours judging

Curt/Nancy Arndt cnaarndt at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 10:12:07 MDT 2010


You understand correctly, but I must clarify something.  Cars are judged as
to a standard of how they came from the factory, and as far as I and Roger
Moment are concerned, our Concours Guidelines are just that... *Guidelines*.
We are continuously accused of updating (changing) the standards yearly and
presently a moving target.  This is just not true.

I judge a car from my knowledge and experience and just because something is
not specifically outlined in our guidelines, it doesn't mean that it is not
correct and that I won't deduct points.

The bottom line is that too many folks order our guidelines and feel that if
they give these to their restorer and he follows them, then after a whole
lot of time and money, I'll get a HIGH Gold award.  I've seen a lot of very
disappointed Concours entrants after their car does not meet their
misinformed expectations.

Folks it doesn't work this way, the guidelines are there to supplement and
hopefully fill all of the missing information of the other resources
available.  They are not the end all word in how a car is prepared, just our
attempt to help restorers fill in missing information that can only be
gathered by careful research on how the cars were built originally.

And to reiterate what Gary stated, the cars are judged to a statndard and
not against each other. But human nature being what it is, too mant folks
then complain that they didn't receive a "high enough" Gold award.  There is
no such thing.  Gold is Gold, but reality is obviously something else.


Curt Arndt
AH Concours Committee Chairman

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 6:35 AM, warthodson at aol.com <warthodson at aol.com>wrote:

> In North America the cars are not competing against each other. They are
> being
> judged to a set of standards. It is possible for several cars to all
> achieve
> the same level, for instance "Gold" level. Their individual scores are
> revealed only to the individual entering the car, not each other nor the
> general public.

> That is as I understand it.

> Gary Hodson

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