[Healeys] Coolest Cars

Jaap Aeckerlin j.aeckerlin at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 09:49:06 MDT 2009

Bill, partly right. In case of a puncture you kept the engine running,
placed the Driving Height Lever in the 'very high' position and the
suspension system pushed the car up. When the top position was reached you
placed a simple extendable support  close to the wheel and moved the lever
in the 'lowest' position. The body lowered itself on the three wheels and
the fourth wheel was lifted from the street by the suspension system. After
changing the wheel you placed the lever in the 'very high'position, waited
till the car was pushed fully up, removed the support, put the lever in the
'normal driving height' position and drove off.
Present big Citroens still have a comparable suspension system but not with
a support but with a jack.

2009/10/15 <insptwo at msn.com>

> > Subject: Re: [Healeys] Coolest Cars
> >
> If I am not mistaken, some models came with built in hydraulic jacks for
> tyre
> changing, press of the button and the car was lifted to change the tire!
> Bill
> BJ7
> > The Citroen on show is one of the DS/ID range, designed around 1954 and
> > built to around 1976 or perhaps later. Without doubt the most advanced
> > car at the time both in design and suspension. It had a full
> > hydro-pneumatic suspension and hydraulic servo brake, steering, gear
> > changing and clutch system, all served through a central hydraulic
> > pressure pump system. Extremely comfortable and a fast tourer because of
> > its excellent road holding, even at today's standards. Very popular all
> > over Europe, even today.
> > If there ever was "the classic", this is a very strong contender.
> > Kees Oudesluijs
> > NL
> >
> > Bob Spidell schreef:
> > > Huh? I saw Lambo, BMW, Ferarri, MG, Alfa, MG, Nissan, Acura (Honda),
> > > Jaguar, and a lot of other non-American makes (too lazy to go through
> > > the whole slide show again).
> > >
> > > Even a "Citroen"--now where in the hell did those come from?
> > >
> > >
> > > bs
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Bernard Cristalli wrote:
> > >> A lot of american cars that nobody knows except in the US...
> > >> B
> > >> (raised in a Nash)
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