[Healeys] Me--part one

Awgertoo at aol.com Awgertoo at aol.com
Thu Oct 8 14:45:08 MDT 2009

I tried to post this earlier but it must have been too long so I  will 
break it into two parts:
 To all-- 
What's the old saying that reports of my death have been seriously  
Yes, I am having a difficult time just processing how in the space of 60  
days it feels like so much has slipped away.  I have lost a lot of weight,  I 
have physical discomfort but I AM NOT DEAD AND I AM NOT DYING.  I have  
Ulcerative Colitis (google it and you will see that it is a little  understood 
auto-immune condition and plays out differently for different  people).  I 
am taking a course of several medications, both  steroidal and not, and the 
hope is that things will heal and turn around  for me in a few months.  If 
drug rehab does not do it then there are  surgical alternatives, and I will 
certainly not be the first guy to have to bite  that bullet.
That said, the drugs are quite overwhelming.  Sometimes  they confuse me, 
everything tastes wrong, I feel like my feet are  on backwards, and because I 
am also taking pain meds I am not currently able to  drive.  Because of 
these and other things I sometimes feel a lot of loss,  sadness and am no doubt 
alternatively irritable and I know I am not the  best patient.  My wife 
Mary (who gave the report that Michael Salter  forwarded earlier) is a 
wonderful person without whom I would be lost, and I am  trying to be compliant but 
I cannot say that the picture  she portrays would be the one I might paint 
nor do I always  feel she understands all.  Nevertheless I am okay with what  
she shared and I will simply fill in a bit .  
Generally my energy level is good and I have been able to be over at my  
shop for several hours a day, though today I had nothing to give.  I have  
decided my racing season for 2009 is over and once I do some things to the  
Elva to get it ready for next year I will pack it up for the winter in its  
trailer.  OTOH there are lots of things that I have been putting off doing  to 
the 100.  I never really completed the fitting of the NICAL hardtop, the  
side curtains still need to be finished, I want to run a compression  leakdown 
test, and also check clearances of the oil pump as the oil  pressure drops 
to 20 at hot idle and though I know Michael Salter says  these cars do not 
need oil I do want to investigate the internal  condition of things, etc.
Me--Part two to:follow.
Best--Michael Oritt

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