[Healeys] Who Monitors the list?

gary brierton gbrierton at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 6 09:42:33 MDT 2009

On or about 10/4, I saw 13 messages on the list addressing the topic of 
"Younger Healey owners", including two from you.  How many did you post?  No 
one blocks submissions, although we all have complained about some off-topic 
flames, but not you ;<)
I am saving these posts to be included in our discussions at the AHCA 
Delegates Meeting next month.  Please feel free to send me your missing 
posts.  I greatly appreciated the info.
Gary Brierton

From: "S and T Miller" <stmiller96 at hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:44 AM
To: <healeys at autox.team.net>
Subject: [Healeys] Who Monitors the list?

> Who monitors the list and why are some things never posted?  Another 
> gentleman
> and myself were having a spirited (very appropriate) discussion about the 
> need
> for younger Austin Healey owners.  Only being able to speak for myself, 
> but I
> feel we both felt it to be a very important topic that needs attention. 
> Only
> two posts ever made it on the list?
> The Millers
> "British Car Nuts"
> 1957 Austin Healey 100-6 BN4 35299
> 1959 Austin Healey 100-6 BN4 77219
> 1965 MGB 40841
> 1960 Austin Healey Bugeye Sprite AN5 34351
> "Always drive them, but remember each drive in an antique car is a test
> drive."
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