[Healeys] Your tax dollars NOT working

Oudesluys coudesluijs at chello.nl
Thu Nov 5 02:38:56 MST 2009

What else would you expect from politicians, ANY politicians.
The most unreliable sort of our species.
Kees Oudesluijs

Alan Seigrist schreef:
> I never understood why you would take taxes from hardworking Americans and
> then give it to a small handful of other Amercans to go and buy a new car?
> It was the most retarded government program I have heard of yet.  By the
> way, the real purpose of the program had nothing to do with the
> environment.
> The purpose of the program was to artificially boost US GDP in 2Q, which
> then those figures were published a week ago, conveniently a week before the
> interim elections in NY, VA and NJ to help sway opinions that the "stimulus"
> package was working and theoretically boosted GDP in 2Q to a fantasy 3.5%
> growth rate, in theory showing that the Democrats were really making things
> better.  Most of Wall street had connected the dots already and discounted
> the 2Q 3.5% GDP growth rate and tied it directly to the cash for clunkers,
> not the Stimulus.
> I guess the strategy didn't work very well, but I'm just furious that these
> jerks on the Hill think it's ok  to use our tax money to try to sway
> elections and buy votes, oh but I guess I should know better...
> Alan

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