[Healeys] Hard top rear window

Ray Juncal healeyray at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 14 12:01:45 MDT 2009

   A couple of months back someone asked me about making a rear window for a
non-factory hardtop.  (sorry I deleted the email so I don't remember who.)  I
have been involved in building movie vehicles with custom windshield glass so
I understand the process.  It is possible for the"do it yourselfer" but pretty
    Later that same lifetime I happened to be waiting in a doctors office.  I
take that as an opportunity to catch up with my reading of out of date
esoteric periodicals.  Well lo and behold in a nine month old issue of
"Trailer Boats" I found a article on replacing the windscreen on your ski
    The article used a fabrication shop in the Los Angeles area ( Wayne-Earl
Mfg. in Placentia, California. <wayneearl.com>  (714) 577-0632  contact Dan
Porter )  They need the original part for a pattern and the cost runs $200-
$600.  The sample in the article looks larger and more complicated than a rear
glass for a hard top and cost $400.  They deal across the U.S. but there may
be a supplier closer to you.  Check with boat repair shops in your area. 
    I can scan and send the article if you need it but all the important info
is above.  The article mentions two things that seem important.  Specify an
acrylic that is both U.S. made and cast as opposed to extruded.  Also look for
a "marine grade" plastic that will have better UV stability.
    I hope this is useful information for those out there restoring hardtops.
Ray Juncal

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