[Healeys] Bullit chase scene (again?)

Curt/Nancy Arndt cnaarndt at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 21:29:11 MST 2009

Alright everyone, enough with the big Healey sightings in the Bullit movie.
How about the two square body Sprites, one light blue with a white top
parked on the left side of the street as the cars drive down the hill and
the other is just the back end parked next to a black VW Bug as the chase
turns left.  Or the Morris Minor convertable parked on the left side of the

Speaking of VW Bugs, how many of you played the game "Bug" with your kids on
road trips?  Should show how big of a car enthusiast you are.  When someone
in the car sees a VW Bug tthe first one to shout "Bug" gets a point.  Twenty
plus years ago there were still a lot on the road in CA.  However in my car
enthusiast family we took it one step further with our son and his buddies,
usually on family vaction road trips to Healey meets. Our scouring system
went like this;

'68 and newer -                   1 point
'68 and newer convertable -  2 points
'67 and older -                     3 points
'67 and older convertable -    4 points
Oval window coupe -            5 points
Oval window convertable -    10 points
and the holy grail...
Split window coupe -            20 points

Now score the "Bullit" chase scene playing "Bug," there's a lot.


'64 & '67 Bug and my wife had a '62 ragtop and a '72

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Jackson Krall <jackson_krall at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Actually, there's a great rear-end shot just after perp driver finds
> McQueen in his rear-view mirror. At about 2:14 of the 10:37 video posted on
> youtube by aBum.com, the shot is the front of Mustang in perps mirror, above
> the mirror and on the street in front of perps car is rear of Healey. Really
> quite incredible when you see it in stop action and worthy of being a poster
> or print.
> There also appears to be a box Sprite in some of the downhill scenes on the
> left side.
> Steve, as I've stated in this forum before, don't underestimate the value
> of the provenance of that white car sitting in your garage, you lucky dog.
> All The Best
> JK
> --- On Tue, 1/6/09, Steve Thomton <scthomton at yahoo.com> wrote:
>  I don't think
> > you see it in any of the
> > chase scenes.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Steve
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