[Healeys] rollbars

Chris Dimmock austin.healey at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 22:23:17 MST 2009

Your comments are valid and true Richard, i agree with the sentiments,  
but you can, depending on the driver, achieve the desired outcome by  
careful attention to the other variables. The other variables with a  
single hoop, full car width rollbar are seat location (height) from  
the floor; driver "height" below the rollbar (ie how tall the driver  
is from bum to top of head whilst seated); and driver being firmly  
secured to the car.
For example, Joe Armor's LeMans (Le Mans?) right hand drive (sorry,  
couldnt help myself...) ex-works Sprite coupe has has the floorpan  
lowered under the drivers seat to achieve rollbar head clearance &  
safety compliance inside the coupe.
Many quite tall guys racing single full width hoop roll bar healeys  
have made a "lower" cushion on the drivers seat in order for the top  
of their helmet to be the mandatory 2 inches below the rollbar; and/  
or bolted the seat base directly to the floor without a; and/or moved  
the seat forward, and wedged the front of the seat base to tilt the  
seat back more backwards. All of which assumes you can still see the  
Most single hoop full width rollbars also have either rear braces/ and  
or a forward brace into the passengers footwell.

The biggest issue these days, from personal experience, on road going  
Healys is compliance with road registration rules, engineering  
certificates/ manufacturer specs, and the product liability issues  
with roll bar manufacturers insurance policies. No roll bar  
manufacturer in Australia I spoke to will make & fit a roll bar to a  
road registered convertible these days. Just not worth their while in  
event of a fatality.

So unless you are prepared to engineer it properly, rather than just  
"bolt in a rollbar" I agree with Richard's sentiments. If you don't do  
it properly, the rollbar will be as much use as those (usually chrome)  
driver only "roll hoops" you usually see on MGBs. You know, where the  
hoop comes up to the middle of the back of the drivers head.... But  
fits neatly under the hood..


Sent from my iPhone

On 05/12/2009, at 1:01 PM, richard mayor <mayorrichard at hotmail.com>  

> Bob, If you install a "non racing" roll bar that fits under the top,  
> then it
> is worthless. If you roll, your head will extend above and beyond  
> the area of
> protection. That area of protection is determined by drawing a line  
> from the
> topmost front of the engine (which is the point that the front of  
> the car will
> crush down to and contact the pavement) to the top of the bar above  
> your head.
> The area under that line is the area of protection.

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