[Healeys] overdrive not working

David Nock healeydoc at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 17 09:49:07 MDT 2009

The BN1 3 speed system is a sample of the British overengineering.  
There are several things that is can be. Jack up the rear of the car  
and put it on stands so the rear wheels are off the ground, then run  
the car in high gear at about 40 mph.

Can you hear the overdrive solenoid working?
	If so the electrical should be ok.

If not then you will need to either get under the car or remove the  
tunnel to check the solenoid, inertia switch and isolator switch.

If you do hear the solenoid working it is probably the adjustment on  
the solenoid it sometimes slips

David Nock
British Car Specialists
Stockton Ca 95205


On Aug 14, 2009, at 8:12 PM, Jess Power wrote:

>  I bought a restored 1954 BN1.It has three gears and overdrive.The  
> seller swears the overdrive worked fine just before transport.Is  
> there a systematic way to check for the problem?
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