[Healeys] Introducing Carmen

Robert Duquette robertduquette at sympatico.ca
Tue Aug 11 18:31:18 MDT 2009



I'm unblackmailable.  :-)


I think Ed's mouth would only open more around beer, no?


Thanks!  It's a driver.  Photographs very well and looks great from a
distance and it drives nicely from my test drive experience.  Needs paint
though.  It's killing me that there is a snafu with the registration and the
plating is taking longer than I anticipated.


Since originally posting this, both kids have approached me and asked me not
to sell the Fiat because they want it.  Now what am I going to do . build a
bigger garage?  :-)



From: HealeyRick [mailto:healeyrick at yahoo.com] 
Sent: August 11, 2009 7:51 PM
To: healeys at autox.team.net; Robert Duquette
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Introducing Carmen


Congrats, Bob.

For a few bucks in unmarked bills (U.S. money, none of that Canadian stuff)
I'll keep the news from the Spridget list that you've sold out.  Buy Ed a
couple of cases of beer to keep his mouth shut, too.  Otherwise, you're
going to be "outed"

Nice looking car,


--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Robert Duquette <robertduquette at sympatico.ca> wrote:

From: Robert Duquette <robertduquette at sympatico.ca>
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Introducing Carmen
To: healeys at autox.team.net
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 9:43 PM

Thanks.  The herd will have to thin though.  I'm now short one space in the
garage.  The Fiat is for sale and I do have an interested party.  I probably
have to part with one of my RHD spridgets though, too.  That will be
difficult . but sometimes in life, a guy has to make choices.


From: Bob Brown [mailto:blkbt7 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: August 9, 2009 9:38 PM
To: Robert Duquette; healeys at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Introducing Carmen


Congats, looks right at home in your driveway.


I'm no longer a genuine wannabe.

Let me please introduce to you, 'Carmen', a 55 BN1.  
Healeys at autox.team.net

You are subscribed as healeyrick at yahoo.com


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