[Healeys] Healey Raffle

Edward J. Keuer edwjkeuer at comcast.net
Sat Aug 8 18:17:11 MDT 2009


After seeing the postings regarding the possible scam nature of this  
raffle, I called Col. Ker and spoke to him personally just a few  
minutes ago. This is not a scam. He has been involved in helping  
veterans and their families for years.

A few particulars: he has owned the car for 13 years, and indeed was  
injured in Iraq and is unable to drive the car comfortably. (for that  
matter neither am I sometimes, but that's another story)
The car is a 1960 BT7, English white with black interior. 88,000K and  
never seen rain, stones, or snow (of course, he's in Waco TX - where  
my daughter attends Baylor BTW). He had the car at the TX Healey  
Roundup in April (trailered it). He has rebuilt the starter,  
generator, and carbs, and there is a hardtop. He tells me it is not  
concours, but is a beautiful driver car.

Entrants can purchase as many tickets as they like at $100 per. He  
will return a copy of purchased ticket(s) and notify winners by phone/ 
email on 8 September 2009. The drawing will be held in Waco on 7  
September 2009 at a local Escondido restaurant and entrants are  
welcome to attend. Attendance however is not required.

The car will not be awarded to "illegal aliens" (sorry Patrick, though  
after seeing you and your car on the Emerson video I must say you are  
U an alien as others have implied :)

Hope this helps all who are on the fence,
Gentlemen start your engines...er wallets.

Edw. J. Keuer
Wheaton, IL
1966 BJ8

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