[Healeys] Protecting the outriggers from exhaust heat

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Wed Oct 8 20:40:05 MDT 2008

Before this devolves into a nonsensical stream of drivel, I might suggest
you can paint the area with engine enamel, properly prepared, you should
have no problems with paint peeling.  If you want to protect it further,
wrapping that section of the downpipes with heat wrap should keep the heat
down... but honestly if the paint area is properly prepared, you won't get
paint peeling.



'52 A90
'53 BN1
'64 BJ8

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:10 AM, Quinn, Patrick <
Patrick.Quinn at det.nsw.edu.au> wrote:

> What an excellent and sensible answer. Wish I had thought of it first.
> Hoo Roo
> Patrick Quinn
> Sydney, Australia

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