[Healeys] bj8 dash and instruments

Rich C richchrysler at quickclic.net
Wed Oct 8 15:09:47 MDT 2008

On the BJ8 I assemble the dash as much as possible, mounting instruments, 
etc. into place, then mount the whole assembly into place. Then I lie flat 
out on my back with my head in the foot well, with good lighting at hand and 
install the wiring to the various components from there. This is all done 
before the steering wheel or console assembly are in place. You're going to 
have to get up in there anyway to feed the primary choke cable and other 
controls thrugh the bulkhead once the dash is in place
The exception to this is the switch panel assembly. I mount all the wires to 
the 4 toggle switches and the ignition switch, then mount them into their 
apertures from behind.

Rich Chrysler

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "andy pole" <ampole at hotmail.com>
To: <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2008 4:58 PM
Subject: [Healeys] bj8 dash and instruments

> Guys
> Is it easier to fit the instruments to the dash and then wire up on the
> footwell floor and offer up after, or fit the dash and then wire thru each
> instrument hole, tightening each instrument in situ? any thoughts,
> thanks Andy
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