[Healeys] LongFlo Air Cleaners - BJ8

Simon Lachlan simon.lachlan at homecall.co.uk
Tue Mar 25 11:30:21 MST 2008

I had the same problem with the K&Ns for my BT7. I cut a hole in the back of
the rearmost filter's backplate and made an adaptor from brass plumbing 15mm
compression fittings. I think the one I used is the fitting that will go
onto/into/through a plastic cold water tank. I can be more explicit if
Still works after 5 or so yrs and looks prtty good though I say it myself!

-----Original Message-----
From: healeys-bounces+simon.lachlan=homecall.co.uk at autox.team.net
[mailto:healeys-bounces+simon.lachlan=homecall.co.uk at autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Bob Spidell
Sent: 25 March 2008 15:14
To: R. Price Lindsay; healeys at autox.team.net
Subject: Re: [Healeys] LongFlo Air Cleaners - BJ8

Hi Price,

I bought the LongFlos and faced the same dilemma.  As the backing plate is
thin sheet steel--albeit chromed--there is no really good, solid way to
mount an adapter.  Mine came with holes, one 90deg adapter and a plug but
the adapter was too small and caused excessive pressure buildup in the
crankcase (resulting in a leaky valve cover--pretty much a disaster).
Cutting  a straight length of steel tubing and carefully welding it to the
backing plate--at an angle--might work, but unless you've a TIG it would be

I eventually got a set of K&Ns with short stacks (sorry, these were a
one-off and I couldn't get the maker to do a production run).  I put a PCV
valve between the crankcase, T-fitting and the intake manifold per Norman
Nock's instructions.  Not only did this solve the crankcase venting problem,
but all but eliminated the blue smoke I would get after a long downhill,
engine-braked run.


Bob Spidell         San Jose, CA        bspidell at comcast.net
'67 Austin-Healey 3000             '56 Austin-Healey 100M

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "R. Price Lindsay" <price at advocateadvisors.com>
> I have ordered new LongFlo air cleaners for my BJ8 and realize that the
> connection for the breather hose is not part of the new parts.  How do I
> make this connection from rear air cleaner to the "T" on the valve
> cover?
> R. Price Lindsay
> Executive Vice President &
> Chief Operating Officer
> Advocate Commercial Real Estate Advisors
> 20 W. Kinzie Street, Suite 1310
> Chicago, IL  60610
> (312) 753-7706 Phone
> (312) 753-7710 Fax
> (630) 841-6300 Cell
Healeys at autox.team.net

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