[Healeys] general discussion/vote

tomfelts at windstream.net tomfelts at windstream.net
Sat Mar 22 11:37:40 MST 2008

OK---as long as we can have a day to bash gays, another to discuss the illegal immigrant situation, another to bash stupid blond women, another to discuss and bash any religion possible, another, to discuss race --------well--you get the idea.  

Before this little tirade started, this list was going very well, with topics based on tactful selection and reader consideration.  

I can go to just about any blog I want to hear people bash Bush and others----I for one am hugely sick of hearing it, and liked the list the way it was.  If you want to have other discussion, fine, jjust let me know.

FWIW, the E-Type list would have had several listers kicked off their list by now.  They have O tolerance for this kind of stuff------------yes--I know--this isn't the E-Type list.

Do what you want--just let us know.

> From: "Dave Porter" <frogeye at porterscustom.com>
> Date: 2008/03/22 Sat AM 11:54:37 EDT
> To: <healeys at autox.team.net>
> Subject: [Healeys] general discussion/vote
> Everyone,
> Perhaps, just perhaps, since there seems to be a very strong desire by
> many, including names I've never seen before, I would (and others) propose
> to have a Monday (or when ever) Politics
> subject. Having said that, I probably shouldn't suggest this idea as I'm
> probably on Mark's and others banishment list.
>  These conversations have been really interesting and, for the most part,
> relatively civil. The notion that people who have many differences, but one
> common love, can have provocative discussions and at least fall back on one
> shared interest is intriguing.  
>  One aspect of owning Healeys that I've always loved is the variety of
> people--of all political persuasions and nationalities--who cherish these
> cars.  I think having humor and politics sprinkled in would add a little
> spice to the List.
>  I think the idea is a good one.  I suspect, were we to have a "Monday
> Politics" day there would be many lively discussions for a few weeks, then
> everyone having said their piece would quiet down. 
>  The key being to keep it limited to a single day..
> Dave
> frogeye at porterscustom.com
> Porter Customs
> Albuquerque, NM USA 87107
> 505-352-1378
> 1954 BN2
> Porter Custom Bicycles
> www.britishcarforum.com/portercustoms.html
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