[Healeys] Friday Funnies

Richard Ewald richard.ewald at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 23:06:46 MST 2008

This has got to be a late Friday funny, right?  Why did the US attack the
Solomons?  Gee do you think the fact that they had been occupied by the
Imperial Japanese Army had anything to do with it?
So why did the allies attack North Africa?  Gee i don't know any reason
other than it was full of German soldiers and tanks.

On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 10:57 PM, WILLIAM B LAWRENCE <ynotink at msn.com>

> I guess the more pertinent question then would be: Since the Japanese
> attacked us and the Germans declared war on us why did we in turn attack
> the
> Solomon Islands and North Africa? They didn't have anything to do with
> it...

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