[Healeys] Friday Funnies

James Lea clocks at midcoast.com
Thu Mar 20 20:33:22 MST 2008

Dear worried in NY.

I am a seventy one year old man who can't understand why some people still 
think a stupid mistake made many years ago by a person who is after all a 
huMAN with all the faults and foibles that most of us have is funny, while 
those presently in charge of our destiny seem to think it is perfectly 
alright to lie to us about just about everything in order to make their 
friends wealthy from the profits of the first preemptive war this country 
has ever fought. A war that has cost us a trillion dollars, the respect of 
most of the world and four thousand lives of our finest young men and women. 
They are both liars but when Clinton lied, nobody died.

Incredulous in Maine

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