[Healeys] Two tone Healey paint line??

james smith bluechipracing at snet.net
Sun Mar 2 05:14:00 MST 2008

I confirmed this looking at Richard Korn's original BN2.


----- Original Message ----
From: Rich C <richchrysler at quickclic.net>
To: John Snyder <helyjohn at cablespeed.com>; Randy Dickson <rdickson at midwestarchaeology.com>; Healey list <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, March 1, 2008 11:32:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Two tone Healey paint line??

In reality the paint line tended to be toward the base of the swage line but 
often split the difference when it came to misalignment of panels.

Rich Chrysler

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Snyder" <helyjohn at cablespeed.com>
To: "Randy Dickson" <rdickson at midwestarchaeology.com>; "'Healey list'" 
<healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Healeys] Two tone Healey paint line??

> >From the Anderson/Moment Restoration Guide:
> "On two tone cars, the secondary coat was sprayed over the primary coat in
> the area below and behind the pressed-in swage line on the fenders and
> doors.  In all cases where the car was painted two-tone at the factory, 
> only
> the flat portion of the lower panel was painted the second color, and the
> upper body color extended down over the bevel to meet it."
> John Snyder
>> Healeyoids,
>> My BJ7 got painted today Colorado red and we need to know where the paint
>> line breaks on the swage line.  Does it go on the bottom, meaning the 
>> flat
>> area only or on the middle of the swage?  I would assume that it went on
>> the
>> bottom of the swage in the flat area only.  We are masking the top paint
>> tomorrow and shooting the bottom black.  I know that most people said to
>> shoot the bottom first but my brother in law insisted that we shoot the
>> top
>> first.  We are using a PPG Delfleet paint.  It is great paint and flows
>> out
>> really smooth.  My brother in law is the hired gun as he has a nice body
>> shop in town.  The car looks stunning so far.  I will rub it out with 
>> 2000
>> later in the week.  I will try to post some pictures.
>> Randy
>> Healey-Archaeologist
>> 63 BJ7
>> 66 427 Cobra replica
>> 06 Mini Cooper S
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