J. Scott Morris jstmorris at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 1 18:10:19 MST 2008

Hi Greg;  Your high & low note horns are Lucas HF1748.  According to Bob Haskell in his SOL article, "The capacitor has a value of 0.1 microfarrads and is wired across the points to reduce arcing when the points are opened."  
  --Scott Morris; Simcoe, Ontario, Canada;  '60 MkI BN7 & '62 MkII BT7
  PS: See attachments
  1. Horn Specifications for all Austin Healeys
  2. Horn Restoration HF1748 by Bob Haskell
  3. Lucas Workshop Instructions: Seciton K-4 Horns HF1746-47-48
greg newton <onehundredbnone at msn.com> wrote: << One of the horns on my BN! is not working I have determined that the capacitor is Open. What I would like to know is how do you calculate the proper size to obtain a replacement modern capacitor, or better yet what should I purchurse.  thanks .......Greg Newton   Port Dover ON Canada  BJ7  BN1  >>
Healeys at autox.team.net

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J. Scott Morris - Keep Smiling, Murphy Lives
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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name of K-4 Horns HF1746-47-48.pdf]

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