[Healeys] Re BN7 battery door

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 22:48:09 MDT 2008

Dan -

I can tell you from experience with my BN1 that rain very rarely has
the ability to creep up there and get in the cockpit.  I would just
glue the Armacord like the factory, water just won't get in through
the battery door unless you live in the tropics somewhere like Saigon
or something.  Even if you do, I doubt you will be driving the car in
a torrential downpour.  That being said, even in a downpour I don't
think water would get up in there.

Even in the worst case scenario where water does get in there, all you
have to do is park your car in direct/hot sunlight for a couple of
hours and all the water will evaporate.  Drove my BJ8 in a torrential
downpour here in HK (on a freeway with no shoulder - I couldn't pull
over and put the top up) and had and inch of standing water in the car
in 5 minutes.  Took it the next day to a carpet cleaner and he sucked
out all the water with a carpet shampoo machine.  Then the next day I
parked it in direct sunlight for about 4 hours.  At the end of it all
the water was completely gone, even under the carpet's rubber backing.


'52 A90
'53 BN1
'64 BJ8

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 6:53 AM, Daniel and Diane White
<dwhite4949 at wowway.com> wrote:
> Tim,
> By coincidence I am at the same stage you are in trimming out my BN7.
> I'm anxiously awaiting replies on the list to your question.  If you
> have not glued down the Armacord  piece that surrounds the opening for
> the battery door and is under the spare, here is my thought on how to do
> it...I think I will attach the Armacord to the surface with some
> strategically  placed  strips of Velcro.  That way if  I get caught in
> the rain and it gets wet I can take it out and allow it to dry.  What do
> you think?
> Dan White
> 1962 BN7 Mk II

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