[Healeys] Engine mount adjustments

John Harper ah at jharper.demon.co.uk
Thu Jun 5 04:47:23 MDT 2008


I did not notice anybody replying to this. It might be of interest to 
you and others for me to reproduce below a short item I wrote for one of 
our magazines about 18 years ago. I always set my mountings up to this 
so I don't know if other settings can cause a problem.


It is not usually appreciated that the front top engine mountings need 
setting up. This is not surprising as the instructions do not appear in 
the 100-workshop manual but are in the 100/6 3000 version. These buffers 
or "snubbers" as they are sometimes called should be set to 1/6th of an 
inch clearance between the bottom of the buffer and the top of the 
chassis bracket. This is achieved by adjusting the number and thickness 
of the shims fitted between the metal top of the rubber mounting and the 
main engine top bracket. The shims can be removed or added easily 
without any dismantling as they are slotted to fit around the fixing 
bolt and locating peg. First loosen the main fixing nut and then slide 
them in or out until the correct clearance is obtained.

>I noted in the book that the rebound adjustment for the engine mounts has the
>upper rubber mount almost touching the lower rubber.  I have talked to a few
>people and none of them actually use shims to alter whatever happens with the
>mounts.  What do you guys on the list do with your engine mounts?  Shim or
>forget it?
John Harper

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