[Healeys] Heat Insulation

tomfelts at windstream.net tomfelts at windstream.net
Thu Jul 31 19:02:39 MDT 2008

IIRC Fiberfrax has fibers similiar to asbestos, though not as bad.  Better check the MSDS sheet before cutting it where it can be inhaled.
> From: "Healey Bruce" <healeybruce at roadrunner.com>
> Date: 2008/07/31 Thu PM 04:26:56 EDT
> To: <AHMG at aol.com>,  <Healeys at autox.team.net>
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Heat Insulation
> Ken, you see a lot of responses for Kool Mat and Dynamat.  I took a 
> different route, as those products were too thick to allow me to use my 
> existing carpet.  Fiberfrax is a ceramic cloth that is used in aerospace and 
> aircraft applications.  It controls temps to over 2000 degrees.  I used 
> 1/16" thick layer on the floors, and glued it to the vertical surfaces with 
> 3M trim adhesive ("yellow snot").  It is cheaper than Dynamat by a lot--I 
> don't recall how many feet I bought (comes 3 ft wide--perfect for the floor 
> pans) but I spent about $50 and still have half of it left over.  I bought 
> it from Aircraft Spruce and Specialty.  It cuts easily with scissors, but it 
> will tear so you have to be a bit careful.
> Bruce Steele
> 1960 BN7
> Brea, CA
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <AHMG at aol.com>
> To: <Healeys at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 8:24 AM
> Subject: [Healeys] Heat Insulation
> >I recall this being discuss  in the past but can not find it in the
> > archives. Any advice on the list for the best product to control heat into 
> > the  the
> > car? What is the best results and products for insulating the  floor, 
> > tunnel
> > etc to keep the heat out!!! I know the thickness of certain  materials may 
> > cause
> > some problems.
> >
> >
> > Ken
> > 66 BJ8
> >
> >
> >
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