[Healeys] brake booster

Frank Magnusson fmags at cox.net
Sun Jul 27 09:05:55 MDT 2008

Hi Paul,  Your problem may be a brake hose.  Quite a few years ago I had one
of the front brake hoses collapse on itself from age and if I remember
correctly the pedal got quite hard.  Basically when you step on the pedal
brake fluid goes out to the caliper and then when you release, the hose
collapsed on itself trapping pressure out at the caliper.

A simple test is to unscrew the bleeder screw a half a turn or so, see if any
fluid comes out, tighten it back up and then press the pedal and see if it is
still hard.  If the hose is collapsing on itself, fluid will come out of the
bleeder screw; it's the only place it can go.  Although as I remember, the
pressure will bleed itself off after a couple days.  You'll want to try both
calipers.  If it is one of the brake hoses, replace them both; the other can't
be far behind.

I am interested in what you find out about the brake booster; I'm going to do
mine this fall.  It was hard to find the kit; everybody wants to sell you a
whole booster for about $400.  I think I got the overhaul kit from Norman Nock
for about $40.  There are several different manufacturers of servos that were
on the cars; Lockheed and Girling I think?  I did a brake booster on a Triumph
a few years ago and it wasn't very difficult.  Hardest part was getting it
apart; had to make a tool; it's probably in the service manual how to overhaul
it and if any special tools are required.

Good luck,
'65 BJ8

<Hi all,
The Brakes on my BJ8 have become rock hard and I suspect the Brake
Booster..I"ll test it tomorrow for vacumn.

 In the meantime, how difficult is the rebuild and how long should I budget
the car to be off the road for?

 I also seam to recall a discussion a couple of years ago regarding a dry
lubrication that was necessary???

 Any tips appreciated.



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