[Healeys] Clutch

Alan Seigrist healey.nut at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 17:57:14 MDT 2008

Richard -

I know that if one gets past the dowdy looks and four banger note,
that many owners of TR2/TR3s swear by them.  I think it's because of
the roadster doors, but put on a true modern car (unlike the TC)make
the car very fun to drive.

My mom, when we lived in Japan in the late sixties, had a Honda S800
convertible (with factory hardtop!).  I wish we still had that one - a
car with true F1 technology for daily use to get the shopping done.



On 7/25/08, RThrift <rthrift at cox.net> wrote:
> Wow!  You just brought back a childhood memory I had totally forgotten for
> the past almost 50 years.  My Dad had a TR3, and now that you point it out,
> I do seem to remember him starting it by hand cranking occasionally.  I was
> so little at the time I probably thought all cars started that way; more
> recently I figured hand cranking went out WAY before my time.  Cool!
> When it got totaled he bought the BT7 (which I now have). He preferred the
> TR3
> Thanks!
> Richard Thrift
> p.s. on new manual trans cars, isn't there some means to override the
> interlock that prevents starting unless the clutch is depressed? My 2002
> automatic won't go out of Park unless the brake pedal is depressed, but
> there IS a way to override that if necessary.  (Most owners just won't RTFM
> and so probably won't know about it even though they see the covered button
> every time they get in the car.)  But then the modern approach would be
> "Don't drive the car if the clutch is out of commission, Fool! " so maybe
> the clutch pedal override is not provided.
> ---- Fred Wescoe <fredwescoe at windstream.net> wrote:
> My first car was a TR3 and I was told not to depress the clutch and to keep
> it
> in neutral.  It would always crank faster that way.  Of course it was the
> only
> way the hand crank worked and I did use that often when the battery was low.
> Healeys have the starting dog but no ability to start with a hand crank.
> ...
> I wonder how we are to get a new car, with a clutch, started and home when
> we loose the clutch.  Any ideas?
> Fred
> 63 BJ7
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