[Healeys] 62bt7

F. Ronald Rader f.ronald.rader at gmail.com
Sun Jul 20 19:06:01 MDT 2008

Two thoughts.
Possible vapor lock that cured it self while you fiddled with the rotor.

All of my spares are used. I take a fairly new part (couple of hundred
miles) and make that my spare. Then I know it is good.
Same with points, condenser, etc. All of my spare belts and hoses have
been on the car. I know they work. I know they fix my car. Also makes
it easier in the dark.
ron rader
1965 BJ8
1967 E FHC

On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 3:50 AM, Kurt Leslie <kansl at net1plus.com> wrote:
 Spare rotor in and started and ran fine, I am still not sure what
happened as the rotor looked ok to begin

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