[Healeys] Healey in the Newspaper

glemon at neb.rr.com glemon at neb.rr.com
Fri Jul 18 21:47:54 MDT 2008

I just watched the movie (The Bank Job) tonight, although the cars do not play a major role there are lots of great classics that appear in many scenes, Statham is a thief who is trying to go straight running a small car dealership.  Many TRs, Minis, an E-type, etc. in the movie set in early 70s London.  

It is also a pretty good flick that my wife and I enjoyed, reccomend it for a rent.

Greg Lemon

---- Leonard  Hartnett <thehartnetts at earthlink.net> wrote: 
> In today's Sacramento Bee newspaper, in the Weekend Ticket section, under
> "DVDs  The best of what's new", is a picture of actor Jason Stathom, star of
> the movie " the Bank Job".  He is standing between a dark colored sedan and a
> Healey Blue 100-6.  Only the front end of the Healey shows.
> I tried to find a link on the Bee's web site but could not.
> (The Other) Len
> Vacaville,  California,  USA
> 1967 3000 MKIII, HBJ8L39031
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