[Healeys] Loss of Power at High Speeds

tomfelts at windstream.net tomfelts at windstream.net
Tue Jul 15 19:37:26 MDT 2008

Which could mean a clogged fuel filter inside the tank.
> From: "Johnsen, Bernard" <bernard.johnsen at ngc.com>
> Date: 2008/07/15 Tue PM 03:21:22 EDT
> To: "Dan Stromquist" <dan at warner-associates.com>
> CC: healeys at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Healeys] Loss of Power at High Speeds
> Hello Dan -
> 	If you have the symptom that you can accelerate up to a certain
> speed, say 60 or 65 MPH, but cannot maintain that speed, then your fuel
> pump cannot deliver enough fuel. That is, you are consuming fuel from
> the float chambers faster than the pump is refilling them.
> 	- Bernie Johnsen,
> 	  1967 BJ8
> 	  1959 PV544 in progress
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