[Healeys] BJ8 overdrive kicks out

healeydoc at verizon.net healeydoc at verizon.net
Sun Jul 13 14:17:02 MDT 2008

faulty overdrive relay.
The overdrive is working thru the kick down switch and when you  
accelerate it opens the contacts and the overdrive comes out.

David Nock
British Car Specialists
Stockton Ca

On Jul 13, 2008, at 12:39 PM, Phillip Leslie wrote:

> My BJ8 has suddenly started coming out of overdrive on 3rd and 4th  
> gears when I press the accellerator pedal. If I lift off, it goes  
> back into overdrive. I changed the trans and overdrive oil and the  
> dashboard switch works perfectly. Can someone suggest a reason(s)  
> and remedy?
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