[Healeys] steering idler

pennell at cox.net pennell at cox.net
Thu Feb 7 18:54:52 MST 2008


As others have said honing is necessary.  However, I had the same prob many years ago in rebuilding an idler.  As with yours it almost fit.  It was very, very close.  Some persistent sanding of the bore with about 600 grit paper wrapped around a large wood dowel and many retries finally gave a satisfactory fit.  I did this in less time than it would take to make two trips to a machine shop.

Keith Pennell

> Amongst many other projects, I decided to rebuild the steering idler on my 
> BJ8. Ordered new seals and bushings from Moss, got the old bushings 
> out,lubed and pressed new ones in, identical to the old ones or so it seems. 
> Problem now is I cannot re-insert idler shaft unless using VERY big hammer, 
> also reamed ends of bushings slightly with dremel tool to take care of any 
> mushrooming. any ideas?? Thanks.
> Brad Holden 
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