[Healeys] BJ8 Drawings / Measurements
J. Scott Morris
jstmorris at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 28 13:43:18 MDT 2008
Hi Alan; Back in February I sent the following to the List.
'' The [attached] diagram is based on a picture downloaded off Larry Varley's
website and then cleaned-up and enhanced for clarification purposes. To
simplify things, I sent a request to our club's webmistress to have the
revised diagram put on the Austin Healey Club of Southern Ontario website.
It is now available at http://www.ahcso.com/TechTalk/TechTalk.htm
The file 100-6_3000ChassisDesign.doc is a MSWord document of 2500kb, with
an embedded jpeg diagram and notations, on a legal size page [8 = x 14] with
a landscape orientation. If enlarged to 350% all the fine detail will be
quite readable.
The original picture downloaded in 2002 is about 54 x 33 at 297 pixels/in.
Needless to say, it was a considerable size. It can be seen at
http://www.acmefluid.com.au/larry/healeydraw.html in a tiff format along with
a number of other drawings from the Donald Healey Motor Company and Austin
Manufacturing. These were provided to Larry Varley by Greg Kilmartin and
Chris Harding.
Anyway, there it is. Oh yes, I see my revised version more as art work than
a working diagram. If you wish to use it to as a working diagram, be sure to
check it against the diagram and measurements shown in your workshop manual.
There, that should take care of any liability issues. ''
Hopefully, this will help you somewhat. Of course, you will have to refer to
your workshop manual for those specific differences for the Phase II BJ8
--Scott Morris; Simcoe, Ontario, Canada; '60 MkI BN7 & '62 MkII BT7
J. Scott Morris - Keep Smiling, Murphy Lives
--- On Wed, 8/27/08, Alan Seigrist <healey.nut at gmail.com> wrote: << Hi All -
Am prepping my BJ8 to be ripped apart and she needs a some chassis work. Is
there a source for detailed measurements on the chassis and sub frame for the
BJ8 out there (other than the basic one on the workshop manual?). I have
Larry Varley's BN1 chassis drawing but the cars are enough different that I
would like to get a proper engineer's drawing of the BJ8 Phase II chassis if
available. Failing that if there's a source for detailed chassis
measurements, that will be helpful as well. >>
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[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/msword which had a name of 100-6_3000ChassisDesign.doc]
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