[Healeys] BJ8 Interior door panels

INSIDEDIM at aol.com INSIDEDIM at aol.com
Mon Aug 4 08:19:27 MDT 2008

I, too, will soon have to address the same problem with BJ8 doors not  
closing properly and I only have the door panels on and not the weather  strip yet.  
My car needed all new A and B pillars, outriggers,  inner and outer rockers, 
etc., so I basically had to replace everything from  the center frame out.  
Thus, my problem may have been self  inflicted.  If anyone can offer advice 
other than the weather stripping  solution I would be eternally grateful.  Do the 
doors and adjacent fenders  have much in the way of adjustment or will I have 
to get out the 25  lb sledge hammer?  
In a message dated 8/2/2008 6:37:52 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
flyhihealey at hotmail.com writes:

Roland  wrote;> "I haven't had experience with BJ8 door panels but the  
rule> with new stuff that fits near or around door openings is  that you have>
to compress them to get them to fit. So it takes a lot of  extra> effort to
close the doors/hoods/rear decks on new stuff the  first> time. If/when you 
the doors closed, _leave_ them shut for  at> least 24 hours to allow the new
stuff to take a set that will fit.  It> won't be quite as hard the second 
etc. but may be several  weeks> before they close the way you would like them
to. > > Of  course HS's panels may be way too thick. I would suggest  perhaps>
contacting them and asking for suggestions."Thanks,
I  contacted Healey Surgeons  and Inan replied;

"In our experience,  it has been the problem with the weather stripping rather
than the door  panel.  We have changed the weather stripping to the 
which  has a smaller and softer rubber gasket.  I have also heard people  talk
about slicing the rubber gasket so that instead of bunching up the  rubber 
collapse and lay on top of itself."


The work  continues: Replace vent window rubber(done),interior door panels,
aluminum  door finishers, carpeting(outsource), new dash when I get my next
stimulus  check!? Work in progress since 1967. Easier now with the great folks
on the  Healey list!

WD    67  BJ8

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