[Healeys] Golden Beige Metallic, or Metallic Golden Beige?

Earl Kagna kags at shaw.ca
Sat Apr 12 22:39:04 MDT 2008


When I replied to the original poster, I simply used his terminology in my 
reply.  I have since been gently reminded that I should know better - all in 
good fun.  I have even had a couple of private conversations with Don Newman 
who is the original owner of his gold BJ8.

Interestingly, the Pickovnic colour book has it as Golden Beige Metallic, so 
you really can't blame people who may have seen it there.  All of the 
original information that I have seen has the colour as Metallic Golden 

A couple of interesting bits of information that I have collected over the 
years, from pretty reliable sources:

The MGB cars seem to have been primered in red lead, which greatly affected 
the appearance of the finished car - the paint was usually watery and thin. 
Mine was definitely primered that way.  It's one of the reasons that the 
colour is very hard to replicate - you don't get those conditions with 
today's paint.

It is known that the factory had lots of trouble with the gold BJ8's - many 
of them had to be repainted either at the factory, or at the dealer.  To 
avoid repeat problems, the colour was often changed on this repaint - 
usually to OEW. (okay, Ivory White)  I have personally seen 2 original cars 
that were in original OEW paint that had MGB chassis / engine bays.  There 
is rare for you!

I'm not sure what you think I think you know Steve, but I'm really glad you 
know it.

Earl Kagna
Victoria, B.C.
BT7 tri-carb

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "sbyers" <sbyers at ec.rr.com>
To: <healeys at autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 6:33 PM
Subject: [Healeys] Golden Beige Metallic, or Metallic Golden Beige?

If we take the color nomenclature from the BMIHT certificates as the
definitive name of the colors from factory records, then it's "Metallic
Golden Beige".  Every one of the 62 certificates for these cars in the BJ8
registry files calls it "Metallic Golden Beige" and not "Golden Beige
[Yes, Earl, I know]

I seem to have misplaced my copy of Clausager, so I can't check but I
believe he calls it Metallic Golden Beige also.

And as long as we're on the subject, for BJ8s it's "Ivory White", not
"Old(e) English White".

Steve Byers
BJ8 Registry
Havelock, NC  USA

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