[Healeys] Napa, Pumps, and Filters (sort of long)

RThrift rthrift at cox.net
Tue Jul 10 20:43:25 MDT 2007

   Mine's  original  too  -though I have cleaned the points & adjusted it
   when  it  got a bit grumpy.  Car's history is similar to yours, except
   my dad bought it when I was small enough to fit in the rear seats
   '60 BT7
   At 07:04 PM 7/10/2007 -0700, Richard Hosmer wrote:

     ...My ORIGINAL (it's a one-owner car) 1962 SU pump is still working
     just fine.
     The  car was garaged (admittedly in a benign climate) for 15 years,
     during 10
     of  which  it  was not run at all, and NO (I'm stupid, too) special
     precautions  were  taken,  at  all.  Initial fire-up, after pulling
     plugs and
     oiling the cylinders, then installing new plugs, included about two
     of  coughing  and  spitting,  but  the  pump ticked over as soon as
     was supplied to it.
     I've  been following this and similar threads, since I KNOW it will
     not last
     forever,  but,  just  for  grins, how many other listers still have
     original pump, working?
     Dick Hosmer

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