[Healeys] Tire Recommendations? Yokohama

pennell at cox.net pennell at cox.net
Mon Jul 2 20:19:31 MDT 2007

Randall and John,

I too run the A321 on my BN7 and these tires are 6 years old.  Great tire.  Very good wet and dry traction, nice look, good wear behavior.  However, these are approx equal in diameter to the 165 which I think look a bit anemic in height on any BJ8.  If you wish to register a plea to Yoko I would definitely support it, but my personal preference would be, in order
     175/15 if they can do them - these are 75 aspect ratio right?
     185/70 15
The 175/15 as in the old Michs would look right on any big Healey from 100/4 through the BJ8.  Perhaps a plea to Mich to run those would be in order.  I am ready right NOW for tires for my BJ8, but the 165s look too short and narrow on my 5.5 inch wheels.

Just my .02
Keith Pennell

> I have 185/70-15 Yokohama A321's on my BJ8, and I cannot count the 
> number of comments and inquiries I received at Conclave about them. 
> "Whata we gonna do?" tire conversations were common at Conclave. These 
> are great tires. The only problem is that I bought them 7 years ago at 
> the end of the run.  This means that even though they still look new 
> (yes we drove 2700 miles round trip to Vermont), in 3 more years they 
> will have to go.  Since this is the perfect tire for not only big 
> Healeys, but also Porsche 356's (personal experience), and since the 
> last ones they produced are nearing end of life, I wonder if an appeal 
> to Yokohama with enough enthusiast numbers could produce another limited 
> run.  I will be happy to coordinate communication.  All those interested 
> please respond, and put "Yokohama" in the subject line, so I can filter 
> them all together.  I have no financial interest, etc, I just wonder if 
> the numbers would support a limited run.
> John May

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