[Healeys] No Healey content. PC related

Simon Lachlan simon.lachlan at homecall.co.uk
Sun Dec 30 06:32:23 MST 2007

Hi, sorry for this.

Having overcome the death of my last PC by subtling beating the problem to
death with my cheque book, I am now attempting to get back to where I was.

My data files were tolerably well backed up so losses there are bearable and
perhaps can be fixed. See below. BUT..

1)       On the previous setup, my "User account" was password protected.
Now, when I access my old/original hard disc in my new PC, I can access my
wife's data, but not mine. It simply says, "Access denied", but gives me no
means of applying a password. It's like having the key to the door but no
lock to put it in. Somewhere in the old "WINDOWS" directory, now inactive on
the old disc, must be a file that can be deleted/moved/overwritten or
something????? Any ideas...I need to get in to my original directories to
get my Outlook files and My Favourites etcetc.

2)       Easier, I hope! How do I set Outlook, not Outlook Express, to be
permanently connected and alert me whenever it gets a message. I had it like
that before, but now seem unable to achieve this. Somewhere in "Options", I
suppose, is a blindingly obvious choice, but I've missed it so far!


Relating to 1), above, I am contemplating disconnecting the new hard disc
and rebooting the PC with the original Windows CD (the one from the original
setup). Perhaps I can get back to the opening screen and thence to "user
accounts" to switch off the password or simply move the data? This sounds
like a fairly dodgy procedure, threatening the new setup by screwing around
with the old?


As a warning to all...it seems likely that I bust the old motherboard by
trying to get a new RAM chip in. Seems the board was badly mounted and the
central area, where the RAM was, was unsupported. I couldn't get the RAM to
click in without putting something under the board to push against and feel
that the first attempts may have fractured some connection. Pity, but we
move on! The new, full, board is much better than the old, half, board and
the whole thing runs much better so far.

However, it'll get clogged up sooner or later!


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