[Healeys] Advance Mech. Question BN1

Greg Lemon glemon at neb.rr.com
Thu Aug 23 21:19:43 MDT 2007

Getting away from the riveting discussion of club politics and back to 
arcane technical discussion of our cars, I have discovered my distributor 
advance springs were not in tension and so was getting limited advance 
function, or more procisely a significant amount of mechanical advance at 
idle, and not enough adjustment or range from there.

Anyhow, in the advance mechanism are little brass fulcrums, for want of a 
better term, that the springs attach to.  They have two attachment points 
one obviously giving more tension and one less, does anyone know which one 
is the apporpriate one to use?  I was on the closer one, so my stretched 
springs could concievably be fixed by going to the longer attachment point?? 
I also tried drilling an intermediate hole to attach the springs, but the 
little fulcrum thingies seem to be made of some substance impervious 
commercially available drill bits.

Does anybody sell new springs?? haven't found any at the usual suspects.  As 
I recall it is the early DM2 "dizzy"


Greg Lemon
54 BN1

P.S. I am quite tapped out after the engine rebuild and although there is 
still money (somewhere) spending it on the car may result in my being single 
and paying alimony.  So please the suggestions of send it to a competent 
shop to have it rebuilt or buy a new one, while quite possibly the right 
course of action, are just not in the cards at the moment. 

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