[Healeys] Engine problem
Frenken, Eric
efrenken at lctax.de
Mon Aug 20 06:59:09 MDT 2007
Hi Jack,
I run my BT7 with the 123ignition as well and experienced the same prob
(running on or dieseling) before I installed the 123ignition in it. At last it
turned out to be the carbs were set too lean.
The Healey engine likes the mixture a bit on the rich side. During a recent
test on a rolling road my car's emissions were measured at about 6% CO2 on
high revs, which the experts found to be on the high side, but the car likes
On the other hand this is the reason my car tends to "bark" while
decelerating. But then I like this sound occuring when I take my right foot
off the pedal from 80mph and I dislike the running on. ;-)
Best regards
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