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A tip if you are heading to Mosport with motorhome pulling a trailer and crossing into Canada from Bufalo. I took the 407ETR back in June to avoid the Toronto craziness. I saw all the signs on the 407ETR telling me that if you were over 5000kg you needed a
transponder, I assumed that was for commercial vehicles. Boy was I wrong. On the toll rates for the 407ETR if you are over 5000kg and pulling a trailer, even noncommercial, that puts you into "Heavy Multiple Unit Vehicles". The tolls were crazy (they mail
them to you) but what I did not expect was $150 in camera fees! The fees are going up in January so they will even be more. I discovered after the fact that you just need to go to the 407ETR website and purchase a transponder for $30 a year and save a bunch
of money. I plan on being there in 2025 and 2026 so you can bet I will have a transponder!</div>
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Marty Sukey</div>